Tea for Weight Loss

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There is nothing better than a hot cup of tea in the morning, especially when it’s a weight loss tea. 

Luckily, there are plenty of teas to choose from that help you shed pounds while feeling amazing. Hot water and green tea can lower your risk of heart disease and prevent cancer. 

The antioxidants in both green and oolong teas have been shown to protect skin cells against environmental damage so your skin looks vibrant for longer. 

And then there are black or white teas which can help you lose weight as well as detoxify your blood system.

According to the Harvard School of Public Health, people who drink three cups of black tea per day can reduce their LDL (bad) cholesterol levels by up to 10 percent. 

And according to a study published in the British Journal of Nutrition, green tea can boost metabolism and burn more calories for hours after you drink it. 

Black tea and green tea both contain polyphenols, which are antioxidants that may be essential for fat loss and muscle development.

So if you’re trying to figure out which tea is the best for weight loss, you’ve come to the right place. On this page, we’ll look at some of the benefits of black tea, green tea, white tea, Oolong tea, Pu-erh tea, and Herbal tea. 

So let’s get started.

Black Tea For Weight Loss 

Black tea has a lower caffeine content than green or oolong teas—only about 12 milligrams per cup—and it’s not as strong a stimulant as coffee. By drinking the same volume of black tea as coffee (6 to 8 cups per day) and adding a little bit more water, you’ll lose a little more weight than if you drank coffee on its own. 

Black tea may also help prevent blood clots, which is particularly important if you’re at risk of developing atherosclerosis, a disease in which fatty deposits build up inside arteries.

Green Tea for Weight Loss

Green tea contains higher concentrations of catechins, the chemicals that give green tea its color. Catechins have powerful antioxidant effects that may stave off some forms of cancer and heart disease. 

However, these benefits are only present in green teas consumed in their pure form since processed or bottled green teas often contain additional flavoring agents that can interfere with their absorption into the body.

White Tea for Weight Loss

White tea is made from freshly picked leaves that are allowed to wither, oxidize and then dry. The resulting leaves have a milder flavor than green or black tea and can be easily brewed into a refreshing cup of tea. 

White tea as an ingredient has been used to treat diarrhea because of its mild laxative effect, but it has also been shown in one study to boost energy expenditure, therefore helping people burn more calories when they are trying to lose weight.

Oolong Tea for Weight Loss

Oolong tea is fermented in large teapots by pouring hot water over leaves that may not be completely covered. This allows the tea to oxidize slowly, creating the beautiful brown coloration and unique fruity aroma of oolong tea

Oolong teas, which are oxidized more slowly than black or green tea and re-fermented multiple times, contain multiple antioxidants.

Pu-Erh Tea for Weight Loss

Pu-erh is a type of tea that is fermented, compressed and aged. This tea got its name from the town where it was produced and is also known as “raw” or “green” tea in China. 

The fermentation process, which dates back centuries, helps to mellow the flavor of the tea. Pu-erh teas are popular in many Asian countries and can be brewed with or without boiling water depending on personal preference.

Herbal Tea for Weight Loss

Herbal tea is nothing new, but it may be a little different from the green or black tea you know. Herbal teas are made by infusing herbal leaves into hot water. 

The term “herbal” generally refers to any plant used in cooking and medicine. According to an article on ABC News, there are 19 flavors of herbal teas and they’re great for weight loss because they’re low in calories—one cup has only 100 calories versus 380 for a cup of brewed coffee.

Key Factors to Help Choosing The Best Teas for Weight Loss


Great teas for weight loss should have a delicious, natural taste. You don’t want to drink weight loss tea that tastes chemically or too herbal.

If you are teething or pregnant, you probably want to avoid the caffeine in tea. Teas with very high caffeine content can be harmful during pregnancy. 

Be careful when drinking your favorite tea brands. Research shows that caffeine consumption during pregnancy has negative effects on the baby’s nervous system and behavior later in life. 

Unfortunately, many “natural” teas are very high in caffeine content and hard to determine whether it is safe for pregnant women.


Great teas for weight loss should be high in antioxidants and can help you stay hydrated. If a tea doesn’t state how much water the company recommends for that particular tea, don’t assume it is safe to drink with just a little water. 

Make sure the tea comes in a resealable bag so you can use as much or little water as you like and can keep the rest of the tea in an airtight container.

Pay attention to specific types of leaves

Green tea contains higher concentrations of catechins, the chemicals that give green tea its color (Catechins are also present in black and oolong teas). Catechins have powerful antioxidant effects that may stave off some forms of cancer and heart disease. 

However, these benefits are only present in green teas consumed in their pure form since processed or bottled green teas often contain additional flavoring agents that can interfere with their absorption into the body. Studies have shown that your weight loss tea can be rich in antioxidants if you choose a high-quality product.

These 6 great teas will help you shed pounds while feeling amazing. Green, white, black and oolong teas are all great for weight loss and detoxifying your blood system from free radicals.

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